Σε Απόθεμα
New ComBridge Studio Software. Keeping the same software core, the graphic interface has been renewed to adapt to the new market demands and needs, taking the name of Combridge Studio Evolution.
- Embedded hardware with pre-installed software
- Web visualization based on flash (independently from the operating system)
- Static icons and animations that can also be rotated o redimensioned without loosing picture quality.
- Browsing based on desktops, windows and gadgets.
- Permits and users management
- Possibility to control multiple independent installations from a single visualization.
- Requires an IP Combridge gateway.
- The basic model includes:
o Week and annual time programming:
o Scenes.
o Presence simulation
o Alarms service
o Warnings via E-mail
o Logic module with grapich editor
o Mathematical operations
o weather casting (via internet)
o integration with IP cameras
o Generation of customized graphics.
o Own images slideshow
o Basic energy management
o License for 3 users
o License for 1 gateway
o Etc.

- It also has many upgrading options (see price table)