The interface EM KNT 002 has 4 Analog/Digital independent channels which may
be used depending on the parameterization by the ETS4:
- Binary inputs: it can be connected to a pushbutton, a switch or a conventional
voltage-free binary sensor .
- Analog inputs: itcan work as temperature sensor by connecting an external
probe. Then the temperature of the room can be controlled (maximun 4
temperature sensors).
- Thermostat: It can be configured and enabled 4 independent thermostats.
Each one of the 4 channels can work as:
- Switch: to turn the light ON and OFF.
- Switch and Dimmer: to turn ON/OFF and dim the light.
- Multiple Switch: to turn ON/OFF the light depending on the number of pressings.
- Sequential Switch: to do sequential switching ON/OFF.
- Blinds/Shutters Control: to move the blinds/shutter by pushbuttons or switches.
- Scenes Control: to save and recover a light scene.
- Values Sending: to send different measures or values, for example the light
level, temperature,...
- Impulse Counter: it allows, for example, counting the number of operations.
- Temperature sensor: sends the temperature value of the room. We can connect
4 temperature sensors.
- Thermostat: It can be configured and enabled 4 independent thermostats.
Furthermore it is independent of the quantity and type of inputs (Analog/Digital)
are configured.
• 4-channels universal binary/analog interface
• Mounting: behind the pushbutton, inside the universal mechanism box
• Bus supply
• Functions: ON/OFF, Dimming, Blinds control, Scenes control or Temperature control (with external probe)